Pet Shop is a WordPress theme designed specifically for pet stores or pet blogs. Of course, you can use this theme on any other type of website, the range of usage of this theme is huge as it has huge functionality to create different layouts and designs. Pet Shop WordPress theme is integrated with WooCommerce, so you can easily install and use the Woo plugin with our theme. The basic styling of WooCommerce pages, buttons, and fields is designed to match the theme and is consistent with the design of other pages. The theme offers several options so you can easily change the layout of posts, pages, files, etc. The top header and main header layouts are also completely customizable, so you can choose the layout that suits you best. You can show or hide any header element to control the overall appearance of the header. The WordPress Pet Shop theme also comes with several built-in footer themes. You can choose your favorite theme from five available footer styles. We could talk about all the theme options, but that would take a lot of time, so the best option is to install and test the themes yourself and try them all. If you have any issues or would like to see a new feature, we’d love to hear about it and add it to our next feature list.