I’ve got the slider cycling through on my homepage, and directly below it is the archive, which is made up of the exact same posts. How do I remove the archive?
You can goto Appearance -> Widgets -> Below Slider Widget
Just remove the archive widget from this Below Slider Widget Area and it will get removed. You can follow the screenshot attached as to where you can find it.
There is nothing in the below slider widget area. The only widget I have activated is a social icon widget set in the sidebar section; all the others are empty.
Well in that case we’ll be unable to guide you through anything because we can’t see your website.
If you’ve purchased the theme then please let us know your website credentials and we’ll setup the theme for you. Please share your website credentials by selecting Set as Private Reply to your comment, so that no one publicly see your credentials. If you don’t want to give us your credentials then you can use this plugin for temporary login.